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Photography, filmmaking, social media, travel & technology by @itchban

I'm heading to Japan for a month!

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Hi friends! I'm heading to Japan for a month in June. It's been a long time coming, a life time in fact. All the manga and anime I watched as a kid really got me fascinated with Japanese culture. It'll be my first time going to it should be dope! 

You can expect a ton of content from Japan. Our rough plans so far are Tokyo, Mt Fuji, Kyoto, Osaka & Hiroshima.

I already have all the visions on how my photos and videos will turn out so I hope I don't over-hype it in my own head lol. So far that I've already picked out a song to cut my Japan video to. The idea is to have two videos. Part 01 should be a fast paced, energy filled video to showcase that side of Japan, followed by a slower paced more peaceful video.

ATTENTION Brands & clients!

I'm currently looking to pick up some client work and sponsors for my Japan trip so if you're a brand and want some rad Japan content please hit me up via email:

Film Inspiration:

I've been scouring the Internet for Japan inspiration so here are some films that are pretty cool! Like always, make sure to follow me on my Instagram to keep up to date with all my latest work & adventures: @itchban